Sunday, May 22, 2016

PowerShell & SCCM 2012: Get Old Computer SCCM Software Packages, add more software, and Export CSV out for New Computer

Using PowerShell and WMI to access the SCCM server, this post shows how to transfer a software list from the old computer and export it for the new one. In another post I describe how to automate the new computers software package collection addition process after its registered itself with the SCCM server and installed the SCCM client software.

$SCCMserver = SCCMServer01
$namespace = "root\sms\site_xx1"
$adminname = "Domain\AdmUser"
$password = get-content .\adminpassword.txt|convertto-securestring -key (1..16)
$admcred = new-object$adminname,$password)
$i = 0

$OldComputerSoftware = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $namespace -Class SMS_fullcollectionmembership -ComputerName $SCCMServer -filter "Name = '$SCCMoldcomputer'" -credential $admcred
$OldComputerCollectionMemberList = $CollectionList|? {$OldComputerSoftware.collectionID -contains $_.collectionID}

Above I declare my variables, query the SCCM server for all the software on the old computer, and compare it to the $CollectionList collections filtering array. Next I create $NewPCSoftwareList using the old computer software list. Add line numbers and filter unwanted collections via $XList. The $AddedSoftware variable displays the existing software from the old computer and will be updated with software selections in the read-host menu below:

$NewPCSoftwareList = $OldComputerCollectionMemberList|select Name,CollectionID
foreach ($C in $NewPCSoftwareList){$i++;$C|add-member -notepropertyname line -notepropertyvalue $i}
$NewPCSoftwareList = $NewPCSoftwareList|? {$ -notcontains $}
$addedsoftware = $collectionlist|? {$ -contains $}

Available SCCM Software Packages
 1 Adobe Acrobat Pro
 2 Adobe Acrobat Standard
 3 Base Camp
 5 Topography Software
 6 Google Earth Pro
 7 Windows Mobile Device Center

OldComputerName SCCM Software will be installed on NewComputerName 

 4 7-Zip
 8 Microsoft Office 2013

Enter line number to add SCCM software to NewComputerName
Enter DONE if satisfied with install list
(Line number or Done): _

write-host "Available SCCM Software Packages" -f white
$collectionlist|? {$ -notcontains $}|format-table line,name
write-host "SCCM Software already installed on $computername" -f white
$InstalledSoftwareList|format-table line,name -hidetableheaders
if ($newsoftware){
write-host "Software to be added" -f yellow
$newsoftware|format-table line,name -hidetableheaders

write-host "Enter " -nonewline;write-host "line number" -f white -nonewline;write-host " to add SCCM software to $computername"
write-host "Enter " -nonewline;write-host "DONE" -f white -nonewline;write-host " if satisfied with install list"
$addpackages = read-host "(Line number or Done)"
if ($addpackages -ne "done"){
$newsoftware += $collectionlist|? line -eq $addpackages
} while ($addpackages -ne "done")
The starting menu displays the full available software list minus those software already pre-selected to be added to the new computer. I input the number for each additional software I want added to the new computer then type DONE when finished adding software. Note that the line numbers disappear from the top list when selected on the bottom one. After DONE is typed, the $addedsoftware array gets exported to a CSV that the new computer will access in order to install that software. That part of the process will be in another post.

if ($addedsoftware){$addedsoftware|export-csv .\NewComputerName-SCCMsoftware.csv}

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