Sunday, January 3, 2016

PowerShell: Download Reddit Photos for Windows Background and/or Screensaver

Microsoft Windows® has the ability to display photos for both your computer desktop background and screensaver.  I like to keep a fresh rotation of photos so I decided to write a dirty script to download highly upvoted photos, ensure they are in landscape orientation, and possess at least a 2048 pixel width.  I'll go through each part of the process.

Note: I mention "dirty" as not all photos will download correctly due to various URL's in each post and not all extraneous URL conditions haven't been cleaned up.  Since most Reddit posters use IMGUR for their photos, I focused on resolving those URLs.  Additionally, I write my code in Notepad, not IME, so it's in an old skool batch file type format.  You can edit it to your liking if your OCD is kicking in.

Let's get started (full script at bottom of this post):

#Pulling the JPG attributes requires a query of the extended file properties.  Here I'm calling the shell so we can query it later.

$shell = new-object -com shell.application

#Using the Reddit API and copying a sample search URL, I've created the JSON query to pull in the posts
#Note that I'm searching the Earthporn subreddit that are one month or less old, increasing my result list to one hundred objects, and each post has a net post score of at least 1500

$images = (invoke-restmethod "")|? score -ge 1500

#I noticed sometimes the Invoke-restmethod would get an SSL error so I check for that and run the command again if the $images count is zero.

if ($images.count -eq 0){$images = (invoke-restmethod "")|? score -ge 1500}

#Change $destination to your photos folder.  I put mine in my Dropbox subfolder so my other computer gets the new photos too.

$destination = "C:\Users\MyUserAccount\Dropbox\Earth"

#Creating a filename list so I don't re-download the same photos

$filecheck = gci $destination|select -expandproperty name

#Now that I loaded $Shell, created a Reddit $images result list for downloading, and pulled the list of existing photo filenames from $destination, I start my $images loop:

foreach ($i in $images){
#Cleaning up the URL and destination file name
$name = (($i.url).split('/')[-1]).replace('?1','')
if ($name -like "*.gif*"){continue}
if (($name -notlike "*.jpg") -and ($name -notlike "*.png")){$name = $name + ".jpg"}
if ($filecheck -contains $name){continue}
$fullname = (($destination + "\" + $name)).replace('?1','')
if ($i.url -like "**"){$i.url = ($i.url -replace ('','')) + ".jpg"}

#Downloading the JPG
if ($i.url -like "*://i.img*"){iwr ($i.url).replace('?1','') -outfile $fullname}
if ($i.url -like "**"){iwr ($i.url).replace('?1','') -outfile $fullname}
if (($i.url -like "*.jpg") -and ($i.url -notlike "*https://i.img*") -and ($i.url -notlike "**")){iwr ($i.url).replace('?1','') -outfile $fullname}
[array]$files += "URL: " + $i.url

#Pulling dimension property
$fileinfo = $shell.namespace($destination).parsename($name)
$dimension = $shell.namespace($destination).getdetailsof($fileinfo,31) -replace '[\W]',''

#If dimension field is bogus, replace with temp value so file can be deleted from destination
if ($dimension -notlike "*x*"){$dimension = "2047x1023"}

#Checking for landscape photo with horizontal size at least 2048 pixels
[array]$files += "Dimensions: " + $dimension
$horizontal = [int]$dimension.split('x')[0]
if ($horizontal -lt 2048){remove-item $fullname -force;continue}
$vertical = [int]$dimension.split('x')[-1]
if ($vertical -lt 1024){remove-item $fullname -force;continue}
if ($horizontal -lt ($vertical * 1.3)){remove-item $fullname -force;continue}

#If photo passes all checks, that file name is added to $files
[array]$files += "Success: " + $name

#End of loop, posting errors and results to $destination folder
$files|out-file ($destination + "\files.txt")
$error|out-file ($destination + "\errors.txt")

Next, save the script and add it to a Scheduled Task.  I used the following command in the task:
Program name: Powershell.exe
Arguments: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:\scripts\RedditBackgrounds.ps1 -windowstyle hidden

Now you'll have a scheduled task which automatically keeps your background and screensaver collection fresh.

Actual script:

$shell = new-object -com shell.application
$images = (irm "")|? score -ge 1500
if ($images.count -eq 0){$images = (irm "")|? score -ge 1500}
$DEarth = "C:\Users\MyuserName\Dropbox\Earth"
$destination = "c:\scripts\earth"
$filecheck = gci $DEarth|select -expandproperty name

foreach ($i in $images){
$name = (($i.url).split('/')[-1]).replace('?1','')
if ($name -like "*.gif*"){continue}
if (($name -notlike "*.jpg") -and ($name -notlike "*.png")){$name = $name + ".jpg"}
if ($filecheck -contains $name){continue}
$fullname = (($destination + "\" + $name)).replace('?1','')
if ($i.url -like "**"){$i.url = ($i.url -replace ('','')) + ".jpg"}
if ($i.url -like "*://i.img*"){iwr ($i.url).replace('?1','') -outfile $fullname}
if ($i.url -like "**"){iwr ($i.url).replace('?1','') -outfile $fullname}
if (($i.url -like "*.jpg") -and ($i.url -notlike "*https://i.img*") -and ($i.url -notlike "**")){iwr ($i.url).replace('?1','') -outfile $fullname}
[array]$files += "URL: " + $i.url
$fileinfo = $shell.namespace($destination).parsename($name)
$dimension = $shell.namespace($destination).getdetailsof($fileinfo,31) -replace '[\W]',''
if ($dimension -notlike "*x*"){$dimension = "2047x1023"}
[array]$files += "Dimensions: " + $dimension
$horizontal = [int]$dimension.split('x')[0]
if ($horizontal -lt 2048){remove-item $fullname -force;continue}
$vertical = [int]$dimension.split('x')[-1]
if ($vertical -lt 1024){remove-item $fullname -force;continue}
if ($horizontal -lt ($vertical * 1.3)){remove-item $fullname -force;continue}
[array]$files += "Success: " + $name
$files|out-file ($destination + "\files.txt")
$error|out-file ($destination + "\errors.txt")
move-item ($destination + "\*.*") $DEarth -force


Jason said...

for every picture downloaded i get this error:

iwr : The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\xxxx\Dropbox\Earth\bdV8jBR.jpg' because it is being used by
another process.
At C:\users\xxxx\dropbox\cloud\RedditBackgrounds.ps1:16 char:116
+ ...*")){iwr ($i.url).replace('?1','') -outfile $fullname}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Invoke-WebRequest], IOException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.IO.IOException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

George said...

Darn it, I tried duplicating your error but can't. It looks like Explorer's not letting go of your files but don't know at what point for you. Either that or Dropbox is trying to sync the files as they're being written to the drive, which is interrupting the process. Try turning off Dropbox while you download the files to see if that makes a difference.

George said...

Hey Jason, I updated the script so now the processing occurs in a temporary folder then when the file checks are finished, it moves the new pictures into the Dropbox folder. This should prevent the "...being used by another process..." message as Dropbox won't try to sync while PowerShell is checking/deleting files.