Here's the article I was reading when I found the link:
and some instructions from the site. The DareCup download also comes with instructions and a code sample.
rc:// -The DareCup URL Handler
#{ip_address} -variable from Spiceworks/Dynamic Troubleshooting Action Link (#{name} could also be used instead of #{ip_address})
username=YOUR_USERNAME -username for Dameware
password=YOUR_PASSWORD -password for Dameware
domain=YOUR_DOMAIN -domain for Dameware
Monitor=viewonly -starts Dameware in view only mode
Connectiontype=autoconnect -attempts to automatically connect when started
Closeondisconnect=autoclose -when disconnecting it closes Dameware
Here's an example of how I use this utility to open a DameWare connection via weblink:
Note that I've added a -a:1 to the end of the GET method. Even though DareCup doesn't know what it means, it still accepts the variable and passes it to DameWare for processing. The -a stands for Authentication and type 1 means authenticate via NT Challenge (Active Directory/Windows SAM).
To use:
* Download the DareCup zip package and extract.
* Using your admin account, install DareCup. It will ask where your DameWare Remote software is located.
* When finished, your web browser will redirect RC:// calls to the DareCup application. In Chrome, it'll pop up with an external Protocol prompt: